somthing wrong with my danio.......

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 27, 2011
Hi I noticed something wrong with my danio, on his/her tail fin thers a little cut or tear is there anyway I can help it?

Sorry for the rubbish pic it very hard to take a pic of.


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Are there any other danios in the tank? What other fish in there? You should move him, those torn fins are wide open for a disease to sneak in and get him. Move him to a QT if you can.
It in there with another danio 2 platys several guppies mixed male and female and some guppy fry.
bruinsbro1997 said:
Are there any other danios in the tank? What other fish in there? You should move him, those torn fins are wide open for a disease to sneak in and get him. Move him to a QT if you can.

Whats a QT?
Sorry I ain't quite picked up the abbreviations yet :p
Did you test your water parameters yet?

Most likely it is being nipped by the other danio or one of your livebearers. Danios need to be kept in a school of six or more, and if you don't provide them with that the more prone they are to nip one another or be nipped themselves, especially if it is a small tank. How big is the tank?
I've had him for around 9-10 months he's been fine up an till now.
My tank is 10-11 UK gallons.
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