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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 14, 2012
Galveston, TX
I was walking past the tank yesterday and I saw something in the corner of the tank. I thought it was a small piece of debris, since I cleaned/changed the filters on the tanks. To my surprise, it was moving. It's a fry demasoni. I had no idea they had even bred. I've put it in a small fry/plastic container and suction cupped it to the side of the tank. How should I care for it? Idk who is even holding in there.
AprilMartinez said:
I was walking past the tank yesterday and I saw something in the corner of the tank. I thought it was a small piece of debris, since I cleaned/changed the filters on the tanks. To my surprise, it was moving. It's a fry demasoni. I had no idea they had even bred. I've put it in a small fry/plastic container and suction cupped it to the side of the tank. How should I care for it? Idk who is even holding in there.

Is it big enough to eat crushed up flakes?
You can try it. Just watch to see if you can actually see it eating. Other than that maybe some newly hatched baby brine shrimp, I'm not sure. Just some fyi, if you would have put something like, "found fry, what to feed?" I'm sure others would of helped out already. I'm sure they still will, just give it alittle time and try the crushed flakes. Good luck to you and your new addition
They will eat the flakes, my convicts had babies and the little things would pretty much eat anything even algae and stuff like that. But yeah flakes should work because after a period of time they get soft.
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