Spare Filter?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 12, 2013
Perth, Australia
Should you keep a spare filter in case your filter fails? I have a 20g (currently doing a fishless cycle) all in one style aquarium that has a top/overhead filter in the lid and another member on this forum who has the same tank suggested I get another filter as back up.

Do many of you have a spare filter in case of failure? Also if your main filter did fail, could you simply take the media out and put it in the new filter without killing the BB?
Yeah having a back up filter is always going to help if one brakes. If you buy another why not run it in the tank at the same time. Yes moving the media from one filter to another will be ok.
Yeah having a back up filter is always going to help if one brakes. If you buy another why not run it in the tank at the same time. Yes moving the media from one filter to another will be ok.

Thanks for answering! Well I was thinking of that but would it be too squached in a 20g with two filters? I was thinking of getting the Fluval U2 internal
Thanks for answering! Well I was thinking of that but would it be too squached in a 20g with two filters? I was thinking of getting the Fluval U2 internal

Thats the only problem with internals, they take up space in the tank and depending what you.have in it a 20gallon with 2 internals is going to be space invading. Have you looked at hang in the back filters? Internals are you best option but are much more expensive.
Thats the only problem with internals, they take up space in the tank and depending what you.have in it a 20gallon with 2 internals is going to be space invading. Have you looked at hang in the back filters? Internals are you best option but are much more expensive.

Well my current filter is an overhead so to the right of the tank I have the water pump coming down but to the left there's nothing. If I was to use the Fluval only, it would be very easy since I can just remover the overhead but with both it would be a bit overcrowded.

I don't have much space so a back filter wouldn't be an option. I'd also have to find a way to remove the lid and I want a Betta which is a jumper as well as my cat that would be a problem. I will definitely invest in a spare filter now though since you told me I can just switch the media. I was considering replacing my current filter but since I added my airstone it's been performing much better
keep a few sponge filters running on air pumps. It will oxygenate the water, provide extra bio filter, and you can use them to instantly cycle new tanks. I keep at least 3 running at all times.

they are only about $8
I love sponge filters! You can move them easily, and they are easy to clean, and the fish enjoy nibbling food bits that get sucked up against them.
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