Sparking interest

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 3, 2015
I babysit a little four year old girl and I brought her over one day after she woke up so I could make a coffee (her family and mine are neighbors). I had told her I got fish for Christmas and she wanted to see it and when she saw my tank she completely fell in love. It struck me as odd because now days kids and adults a like find aquatic species to be boring and a waste of space. I let her touch one of my snails' shells and I saw her little eyes grow big! She had never seen shrimp before and she laughed because she said they looked like funny swimming spiders. Now, her little two year old brother loves my fish tank too. Her parents are now going to get the little girl and tank for her room-of course, I advised a betta for a small tank and told them I'd happily help them along because tanks are no easy task and I'm still learning so much myself.

I just feel so touched that I was able to spark these kids interest in marine life. It's unusual to see small children have such a passion. Has anyone else experienced this before? It's such a wonderful feeling to influence a child's life in a positive way, and I hope I might have even influenced a future of rare passion for aquatic life.

•22 gal zebra danio, 75 gal red ear slider•
Haha I have. It is a great feeling knowing some kids are interested in caring for another living thing. Reminds you of why we keep these fish. :)
I think it's not only an interest in fish, it might also be educational to help kids understand what is down in the oceans and get interested in what we can do to help what's down there.

•22 gal zebra danio, 75 gal red ear slider•
This is my 15 year old daughter at age 5 feeding my big tank. I had an oscar and sev that enjoyed being hand fed.

All my kids enjoyed the fish although it faded as they got older. Except for my 18 year old daughter who is away at college and frequently emails me asking specific questions about the fish and Kevin the nerite snail :roll eyes:

That's so cute?

•22 gal zebra danio, 75 gal red ear slider•
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