Spitting Turbo Snails?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 11, 2003
Pittsburgh PA
Hi all,

I have 6 Turbo snails total in my tank, 3 of them I bought and are adult size, 3 of them may have been hitchikers on the LR. Anyway, now that the little ones are getting a little bigger, I will see them secrete a tiny string of some type of bead-like liquid. The adults never do this, and I'm almost certain that the little ones are baby Turbo's. Has anyone else ever observed snails secreting something like this? The beads are not connected, they just come out in a line, then get washed away in the tank. Any ideas? Very bizarre.
I noticed this with my strombus snails but did not know why they did it. If they fell off of rocks for whatever reason they would hang from the thread and crawl back up to the rock. 8O
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