Spot, the betta

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 26, 2006
Clearwater, FL
Spot was looking so cute today I just had to snap a couple of photos.

He lives on the counter that divides the kitchen and dining areas in a 2.5G tank. He has one of my handmade ceramic hidey-holes, one sprig from a silk plant and a nice amt of java moss. Each of my bettas also has an empty snail shell floating as a "toy" (not that I've ever seen them "play" with them !).

Spots tank is cycled, even though it doesn't have a filter (never knew that could even happen !). The java moss and the 3-4x a week 50% PWCs keep his water pristine.


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he's pretty cool lookin'! i like the spotted fins... have you ever considered trying to selectively breed him to get the spots on some other colors? blue with red spots would be cool.
No, I haven't considered breeding (of any species LOL) but you're right - blue with red spots would be pretty cool !
I fell in love with this guy the moment I found him in the box. He's a real sweetie and he's a bit laid back - he's the only betta that won't take food from my fingertips.

Another cutie, Joannde. Are we going to have start calling you The Betta Lady? You aren't going to wind up like those old ladies with 100 cats are you? At least the little darlings would be a lot cleaner. I am sure Spot appreciates his new home. And in time he might even beg for food and eat from your fingers. They learn to suck up to mommy pretty fast. LOL
Beautiful betta! I have a fish that looks just like Spot! Aren't those fins to die for? Between us we have enough to start a selective breeding program, don't you think?


My Cameo.
from the thread subject i thought it was going to be a game, like a seek and find. cool fish though.
Thanks for the compliements everyone.

Mosaic - you have Spot's brother !!! Thats amazing. Spot is the only betta I've seen with this coloring. Its nice to know there are more out there.

And no, I'm not the Betta Lady LOL - not yet anyway. These guys are just so addictive ! Each one really is unique and the differences in coloring just leads you to notice the individuality even more.

Spot is a begger, but I don't think Spot will ever eat from my fingers (to refined for that LOL), but he does a great job of recognizing the plastic spoon that I use to give him his pellets. Even my husband had to laugh when Spot couldn't find his pellet and I led him to it using the tip of the spoon saying "ok silly Spot, follow the spoon !" (which he obediently did).

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