Standard Compact Fluorescent Bulbs

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 31, 2012
West Des Moines Iowa
What is the experience of using standard screw in compact fluorescent bulbs as aquarium lights? Today I added a 26w (100w equivalent of the old incandescent bulbs) screw in bulb to the side of my tank to see what the effect will be on the plants. I also have a standard t8 on top of the 10 gal tank. All comments welcomed. (my internet research on the subject did come up with much) BTW my bulb is 2700 K so it is low for plants.
I've learned from the wonderful peeps here to use bulbs that are labeled "daylight", and I think they're rated 6500-6700k. I got mine at Home Depot.
Yeah home depot has them. Daylight bulbs are close of not 6500k temp. They should have them in the wattage you need. I use these types of bulbs in my five gallon and it grows high light plants.
Yesterday bought a couple of 35 watt "daylight" (6500 k) compact fluorescent bulbs from Walmart, about $6 for the pair. They do produce a lot of light. will see how my aquarium plants react. Thanks for the advice. Why don't they just make regular aquarium lights with these bulbs?
Not long enough for 10 gallon & up, although you could place one at each side.

That's what I'm doing for my corkscrew val, vesuvius sword & hornwort. Also, be vary careful about getting them wet, as the bulbs' glass may not be as strong as classical aquarium bulbs.

By the way, my plants are thriving, but I do dose liquid fertilizer & root the vals & swords in flourite. No CO2 added.
Seem like you could put a socket with a 35 watt bulb in every 7 or 8 inches in the hood, thanks a lot of light. lol I am just trying it out on my 10 gal tank as an xtra light source from the side in addition to the standard T8 hood bulbs. Was given some Vals and moneywarts a couple of weeks ago but they weren't doing too well. My hornwarts were doing fine with the low lights. I was also given used flourite with the plants. I don't use any ferts except fish food and fish poop.. Also don't have co2 added.
in my 20 gal my hornworts have stopped growing I think i put too many pothos and spider plants in with wet feet that are soaking up the nutrients. What nutrients come with the liquid fertilizer you use?
BTW I keep the compact florescents far away from water.
I just use trace amount minerals, i.e. Flourish or the like, a couple times a week.
But, I'm only moderately planted up & down the sides of the tank, with about 4 inches inwards towards the middle.
If your 20 gallon is high, you might need a bulb with more penetrating light (i.e. 10k) or a better reflector above the bulb to get light to the plants down low.
Also, the pothos & spider plants may actually be shielding the light from the hornwort.
Good luck with the project!
Oh trace minerals, gotcha

Yea its a 20 gallon high but the hornwarts and other unknown plant were growing like crazy several months back. I have the spider plants and pothos growing in a tray behind the hood so they don't block any of the light going to the tank. So the light hasn't changed from when they were growing fast.
Thanks again for your help. Hoping to see results from the higher light level in my 10 gal tank soon.
35 watts might be a bit much, i have 2 26 watt bulbs in my 10 and they work great, i also have 4 26w over my 20gallon and they are able to grow any plants i want. daylight is the way to go with bulbs as they are the closest to 6500k

but yea two 35w bulbs is 7 wpg thats very high light, be prepared to need to add pressurized co2 and ferts in order to keep the algae at bay
Um, I'm pretty sure that the sockets in a 10g are only rated for either 15w or 20w. You might be making a fire hazard.
Bshowa, Aqua

Now I am just using an additional 35watt lite fixture pointed at the tank from the side along with the 18 watt florescent in the hood that came with the tank

The other 35 watts I am sometimes using on the 20 gal tank, wet foot plants, or supplemental buckets with "stuff"
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