Start of a long relationship (planted tank journal)

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Steve, I can send you a little. I definitely don't have a ton, but it grows pretty quickly. Or, if you want to wait a couple weeks, I should have a little more. Lemme know.
How about... this order is on the house and when you get a little more grown in you send me a patch? I've also got some extras I'll be sending you. My aromatica is due for a trimming now.
So... my riccia has turned kind of a brownish tan rather than its normal bright green color. Nothing has changed except the lack of light yesterday. Any thoughts on what may be going on with it?
So... my riccia has turned kind of a brownish tan rather than its normal bright green color. Nothing has changed except the lack of light yesterday. Any thoughts on what may be going on with it?

It was totally green yesterday? Seems like one day shouldn't be a big deal...non-aquatic plants do that but usually over a long time. Interested to see what others think...
I wouldn't expect it to go brown that fast. Even though it was green before, was it healthy? I would expect it to take a couple of days to brown out on you.
yeah, it was growing like crazy! Then, brown. I guess we'll see. I got my co2 back up and operational this morning so my lights are on. Autodosers are working great btw.
Ok. Got some really cool plants in the mail today, and will have more on Friday. Today I got a MASSIVE crypt... It was so massive, it split in to like 20 plants. I also got some really neat looking rotala. Slowly, I'm going to transition a lot of the plants in this tank out and replace them with the cooler, less easy to find at your lfs type stuff. Slowly being key. I think I'll start with the penny wort ;)

Anyhoo, here's a pic of the crypt... across 3 paper towels:

Looking good! I was in the same boat as you... sick of the LFS plants. Should have a decent selection going with just what I sent. I sent a few extra species so if you need ID's let me know. I think I have everything ID'd correctly now.

I never liked crypts for some reason but I'm beginning to think they might be a nice change instead of all the greens and bright reds/pinks.
Yeah, I like crypts. I'm starting to not like the pennywort, java ferns, anubias, and water sprite... though they all have a happy home waiting for them in the 125 ;)
And Nick... I'm not sure what's up with USPS... I had 2 shipments come in today that were sent Monday... Though yours says its going to be tomorrow... must be NY? I'm kind of upset about this.
mfdrookie516 said:
And Nick... I'm not sure what's up with USPS... I had 2 shipments come in today that were sent Monday... Though yours says its going to be tomorrow... must be NY? I'm kind of upset about this.

I'm also still waiting for the package. Looks like it's going to be delivered tomorrow. Just in time for my scheduled PWC ;)

BTW, you got some nice crypts there. Is that a wendtii?
I think so... it's so much BIGGER than my two I have in this tank, it looks nothing like them... but I do believe it is. And I'm so sorry your plants haven't made it. The receipt said estimated today... and I took them super early, I was the 3rd person in the post office Monday morning.
mfdrookie516 said:
I think so... it's so much BIGGER than my two I have in this tank, it looks nothing like them... but I do believe it is. And I'm so sorry your plants haven't made it. The receipt said estimated today... and I took them super early, I was the 3rd person in the post office Monday morning.

No worries. I'd rather have the plants tomorrow.

Anyways, maybe in a weeks time you'll be selling some of the crypts. I'll buy some :)
Neat. I ordered some rarities the other day. When I grow them out more I can send you clippings. These are 100% for sure not available in your LFS except for one or two.
Limnophila wavy - 3 stems
Rotala gia lai - 10 stems
Hygrophila tiger - 5 stems
Polygonum porto velho - 3 stems
Pogostemon erectus - 3 stems
Murdannia red - 3 stems
Pogostemon stellatus 'narrow leaf' - 5 stems
Limnophila aromatica - 5 stems
Limnophila sulawesi - 5 stems
Staurogyne porto velho - 5 stems
Hydrocotyle verticillata 'japan' (small, short form) - 5 nodes
Ludwigia verticillata cuba - 3 stems
Staurogyne bihar - 4 stems
Eichornia diversifolia - 3 stems (Can I make a substitute on this one, I think I sold it today). [got it replaced with Rotala mexicana v. goia]
Ranunculus inundatus - 3 nodes
Lysimachia nummularia v aurea (Lloydiella golden)

Btw, this means I have about 4 times the amount of blyxa I need now so I can get you some of that too lol. Probably can send you 2-3plants for like 6 dollars in a priority mail box. I'm going to send some to fort next week.
Awesome. I love the pogostemon species. Both of you guys need to post pics once planted!
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