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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 24, 2003
I've goss a friend who wants to buy a little tank, like 1 gal. We saw an Azoo Model that has HOB and lightning. So waddaya think? She's loking for a "loner" that can do with 21°C like~72°F


Got one week till we make a decision
Based on what I've studied about different types of fish, 1 gallon is far to small for anything else than possibly bettas. However, bettas are tropical fish, and prefer a warmer environment than 21 C (more around 23-27C). Personally, I wouldn't put any fish in a 1 gallon tank. Also, the animal rights laws in Finland suggest that 40 liters (roughly 10 gallons) is the minimum tank size for any fish.
There is but one fish for that tank. The betta. A betta can thrive in such a small area, is still frisky and fun and easy to take care of. They are pretty cheap and very available. Make sure to get one that isn't just laying at the bottom of one of those cups, get one with a little livelyness about him.

Bettas will do fine at 21C but try not to let it get lower than that. Even with a filter you still need to change 20-30% of the water every week. And buy a nice little plant for him as well, preferably java fern, which does well in low light and with little work.
Welcome to AquariumAdvice Sinuhe!

Very interesting to see Finland has animal rights law that INCLUDE fish. I'm impressed. Any idea where I could go look them up (in english LOL I don't know how to read finnish).
If your friend has not bought a tank yet, ask them to consider getting a larger tank.

The water condition in a small tank will be less stable and you will not be able to decorate it much. The choices of fishes are extremely limited and not all may appreciate the size of the fish’s environment. I suggest they get the largest tank they can afford or have space for. It is worth saving the money for it and is more soothing.

However if they insist here are some pictures of betta fishes the more expert members have recommended

I believe the Siamese fighting fish is part of this group. Nice
Anything else? Lol, besides from bettas?
I appreciate all of your posts.
Nope. All other fish, even the smallest ones need swimming room. A neon may look small but it still needs at least a 10 gallon tank because they need to be kept in schools. Most small fish need schools of at least 5 or more or they tend to die quickly. The betta is a loner and tends to be the only fish capable of making a home in such a small environment.
Allivymar said:
Very interesting to see Finland has animal rights law that INCLUDE fish. I'm impressed. Any idea where I could go look them up (in english LOL I don't know how to read finnish).

I looked, but couldn't find any of that in English, sorry :( . I'm not 100% sure if the exact required size of the tank is mentioned in the law itself, but I found regulations posted alongside with the animal rights laws that mention it.
Lol, aight ill try to convince her. Thanx for everything
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