Starting 29 gallon reef tank

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Thanks :) I can't wait for my shrimp. And to add corral. And to get some cleaning shrimp. Oooh soooo much I wanna do!
I have a cleaning shrimp in my pico tank and when I go in the tank to do something he comes and walks around on my hand. You'll love the shrimp lol. :)
Can't wait! I haven't been able to find any lately. :/ hopefully a couple will pop up soon
So just an update. Everyones lookin happy. Gettin plenty of colors growin on my rocks :) still waitin on my pistol shrimp. I need some ideas for things to get rid of algea. Mainly on the glass. Anyone got any good snail ideas? I heard turbo but I don't want a HUGE snail till I get an upgrade. Can I buy a baby turbo or do they grow fast? I kinda like zebra turbo. Any good ideas for snails that eat lots of algea of tank walls?
This might sound silly but do I need to buy shells for my snails and hermit crabs? Because I swear they and their shells are growing bigger and bigger.
Okay. But do snail shells grow with the snails? Like if I were to get a young turbo?
Wow. I never knew that! Any idea about how long it takes for a turbo snail to get to be huge like most o the big ones you see at an LFS? I wanna get Antioch zebra turbo but don't want a giant snail in this small of a tank, there's just no room for it. I plan on upgrading in about a year.
Their growth really differs. Some blow up to be huge. Others take a little while. I have 5 turbos in my 29g. They are quite big. But they don't take up much room. When I got them they were about the size of a dime. After 8 months. 2-3 are like nickels and one is about the size of a quarter. So it just depends on the snail I guess
Okay. I'll probably get at least 1. Do they knock over your rocks? I heard that could be a problem.
Mine knocked over some corals, but its ok he is worth it. Haha they are stronger then they look
Awesome :) thanks. Any ideas on other good snails? Haha good for eating algea off the glass?
Okay but might not get any till Tuesday. I work 12 hour shifts sat, sun, mon and sleep the other 12 hours. :p
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