starting a 29 gallon salt water, am i off to the right start

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 15, 2003
Adelphi Maryland
hi all, i have a 29 gallon glass tank,
*emperor 400 bio wheel filter
*seaclone 100 protein skimmer
*30 inch coralife aqualight compact, 130 watts double strip half and half lights
*Arag Alive sand

Water has been tested and LFS said im good to go with an anemone and anemone fish, as of today, with the tank running for about a week.
I was wondering if you have cycled it at all and whether or not you are using LR. I bought that filter too for my 55gal and now I don't even use it because I made a DSB and LR. I am just planning on getting a skimmer, I heard the Aqua remora are a good choice. I don't think many people try anemones until their tank has matured for at least one year. Try looking into the shrimp idea for cycling!
I wouldn't get an anenome until your tank is 1 year old. You may want to upgrade your lights too.
ACreque said:
with the tank running for about a week

At just a week your tank is not ready for anything yet. I realize you've used LS but it is still not enough to have a stable tank in such a short time. I would strongly suggest waiting on any additions for at least another two weeks.

Did your LFS actually tell you what your results for NH3, NO2 and NO3 were or just tell you it's safe to spend?

I would honestly recommend getting your own kits and testing these things for yourself. If there was never an ammonia or nitrite spike, your cycle hasn't even started yet unless there are signs of nitrate. Could you give a little more info in that regard?

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