Starting Cichlid tank need help

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Apistos are different than alot of cichlids and can in fact be kept in large numbers. I wouldn't suggest keeping a ton in your tank but you can certainly get a away with two males and group of females.

Once they pair up, they are aggressive. They are NOT harem breeders like some people think! Each male will pick a female, and the rest of the females will be bullied to death. Then the pairs will bully each other relentlessly. If this had the footprint of a 40 breeder, then yes, you could have to pairs.
Once they pair up, they are aggressive. They are NOT harem breeders like some people think! Each male will pick a female, and the rest of the females will be bullied to death. Then the pairs will bully each other relentlessly. If this had the footprint of a 40 breeder, then yes, you could have to pairs.

Lol everyone has such different opinions on what to do or not to do. I guess in the end I have to try things for myself and see what works and what doesn't... All in all you guys have given me a great jumping off point so for that I thank you all.
Once they pair up, they are aggressive. They are NOT harem breeders like some people think! Each male will pick a female, and the rest of the females will be bullied to death. Then the pairs will bully each other relentlessly. If this had the footprint of a 40 breeder, then yes, you could have to pairs.

It depends on the species. Some prefer trios others prefer pairs. Do you have experience with any of the apistos? Apistos can be aggressive when protecting the nest or fry, but not excessively like other cichlids. That is why people say they can be kept in a community tank. Also in the wild there may be a few thousand individuals in a 9 square yard area. They can easily be kept in a good group in his tank.
Lol everyone has such different opinions on what to do or not to do. I guess in the end I have to try things for myself and see what works and what doesn't... All in all you guys have given me a great jumping off point so for that I thank you all.

Best of luck you will surely love the apistos. Stick with them, do some searching and you will have a new favorite fish
Yes, I DO have apistos. I find it rude that you think I am making assumptions W/O any experience keeping Apistos.
Can I recommend don't put 6 demosoni in their put either 1 or 9+ or they'll kill each other. Or try saulosi their very similar looking and they aren't aggressive and the females are yellow
Can I recommend don't put 6 demosoni in their put either 1 or 9+ or they'll kill each other. Or try saulosi their very similar looking and they aren't aggressive and the females are yellow

ive had alot of success with demasoni and 4 is the minimum for me, any less and they will terrorize the tank yes, but a small army of them will do more damage IMO i had 8 in my 75g and i didnt like how they schooled out into a group of 3 and a group of 5, so 4 should be good for his tank as long as he scapes well.
ive had alot of success with demasoni and 4 is the minimum for me, any less and they will terrorize the tank yes, but a small army of them will do more damage IMO i had 8 in my 75g and i didnt like how they schooled out into a group of 3 and a group of 5, so 4 should be good for his tank as long as he scapes well.

As far as scaping goes 1/3 of my tank is boulder and 1/3 driftwood with gravel substrate as of now I have it planted heavily but that will most likely be destroyed
I'll update a pic of it on my lunch break today so you guys can possibly make suggestions ie: more boulders, wood etc
I'll update a pic of it on my lunch break today so you guys can possibly make suggestions ie: more boulders, wood etc

You might wont to switch to a sand substrate as Africans like to sand sift and dig but gravel may still work, I've seen it done before :)
ive had alot of success with demasoni and 4 is the minimum for me, any less and they will terrorize the tank yes, but a small army of them will do more damage IMO i had 8 in my 75g and i didnt like how they schooled out into a group of 3 and a group of 5, so 4 should be good for his tank as long as he scapes well.

I totally agree along as there's no more than 1 male in there :)
You might wont to switch to a sand substrate as Africans like to sand sift and dig but gravel may still work, I've seen it done before :)

Welllllll I have a good 2-3 inches of gravel mixed with plant substrate and I'm not really wanting to go completely empty to change it plus the money I already have in that stuff so hopefully it will work for them... There's already 1 dem and a lab in and they don't seem unhappy with it.. I'm just waiting on my friends tank to cycle so I can get my tropical fish out should be a couple of days from now
keep us updated, and small medium boulders are great for scaping for cichlids, lots of little caves and tunnels they love it, il see if i can find some pics of 75g i just scaped recently.
i found some pics, i got this whole haul for around $15 its 185lbs of rock and was labeled medium small boulders at the landscaping company, gave em a good wash down and a good scrubbin with a tire brush and they look great in the tank.


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Here's an updated pic with what I put in as far as rock and wood... Ignore the platys and tetra. Lol

Yes I know the plants are toast... But as far as rocks and driftwood do I need to go thicker??
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