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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 24, 2004
I had started my 29 gal tank two weeks ago with 2 gold gouramis and 2 paradise fish. The water readings were very stable (0 amm, 0 nitrite, 12.5 nitrate) for over a week, so a couple of days ago, we added 3 ruby barbs.

However, the paradise fish were too aggressive toward each other and the other fish. One of the gouramis was aggressive to the other. And the ruby barbs were way too hyper. So yesterday, all the fish except for one gold gourami went back to the LFS. I had to tear up the tank and remove all the plants, both live and fake, to catch those hyperactive barbs. They are super-fast and good at hiding. What a frustrating mess, and the tank got all clouded from all the upheaval.

I returned from the LFS with 3 brilliant rasboras and 2 upside down catfish. So far, so good (fingers crossed). Eventually, I want to add a bousemani rainbow and a ram (which ram is undecided).

(Later that same day...)

I tested the water and the numbers are the same as they have been since I first added the fish. The numbers have never strayed significantly from these:

pH=8.0 (fluctuates between 7.5 and 8.0)
KH=3 (fluctuates between 2 and 3)
Sorry you had all that strife in there, and the upheaval is no fun. I know it is a trick to catch barbs! It is good the LFS took back the fish.

Rainbows are probably a good choice for your water but I am not sure rams will be happy or do well, depending upon what kind you get. They prefer softer, acidic water. There are some great threads here about rams, if you do a search on it.
Yeah, the gourami and paradise fish were easy to net. It was as if they said, "Here I am, take me!" The barbs had me steaming mad. The rasboras seem to be doing so much nicer.

Thanks for the point about rams. I spoke to the LFS about the pH of my water and they said that most of the water in this area is about the same, so most of the fish that they have should do okay. They have bolivian and german blue rams.
If the rams are bred and raised in your local water, then that should work out. I have not had good luck with them in my relatively hard, alkaline water, but I am not sure where the ones I got came from. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think the Bolivians are a bit hardier.

Rainbows are beautiful and I do hope to keep those someday.
The LFS I have been visiting is called Moby Dick Pet Store. It is a great store and very accommodating. Their staff is friendly, patient, and knowledgeable. I highly recommend it. Unfortunately, it is 13 miles away. There's nothing closer but Petco, PetsMart, and Pet Supplies Plus.

(More rambling follows...)

I had visited several other LFS when I was just getting my tank set up. At one of them (also quite far away and which will go unnamed) I asked for starter fish recommendations. Here's what the guy at the counter told me:

"Just use some TLC [a bacteria-in-a-bottle product] and you can take home as many fish as you want. That's what we use here in our tanks." :eek:

That's when I said thank you and walked out. :lol:
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