Step by step how to kill Planaria and Hydra!

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Both of you are correct.

As I stated in my thread, more thorough cleanings and less food will help prevent these pests. Thanks for making it clear guys!
I tried for several weeks to get rid of them, by manually sucking up each one, daily sometimes 2-3 times daily with a turkey baster and fed almost nothing and started having pretty mad shrimp who were going crazy so I finally just bought the aformentioned goat dewormer and they were gone in hours!!!!
I'm a newbie and haven't had to deal with this, but thanks for taking the time to write it up. It's very clear and I know what to look for now. In case I ever do need the instructions, I've subscribed so I can find it easily. Thank you!
I'm a newbie and haven't had to deal with this, but thanks for taking the time to write it up. It's very clear and I know what to look for now. In case I ever do need the instructions, I've subscribed so I can find it easily. Thank you!
Sounds good. I dearly hope ya don't have to bother with these pests, but if ya do, you know where to look!

I am planning on making the original post an article, due to the success of the thread and the off-thread requests to make it an article. I PM'ed a head gal, hopefully she'll reply and give me an article account. Fingers crossed!

Glad you like the thread!
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