Stocking 40 gallon tall

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 5, 2012
I have a peppermint cleaner shrimp a pink tip anemone a chocolate chip starfish and ten blue legged crabs and three damsels I plan on getting rid of one what else should I get
Get a unique fish that'll make your tank more colorful,interesting, personality, or ad more movement. For example anthias, gobies,clownfish,mandarin fish etc. you want to make sure the fish you get your gonna like so you don't want to get rid of them. I would get rid of a damsel, they can be real aggressive and just add stress to the inhabitants in your tank.
I wouldn't put mandarin in a 40 unless you plan on training it onto frozen food. I would maybe look at a 6 line wrasse as they're nice fish and tbh would probz e able to be centre peice and hold its own with the damsels if you weren't set on getting rid of them.
Well I like two of my damsels an there was a fish at my LFS it's called a sea beta it was beautiful
Guessing same as a marine betta and they are beautiful but will eat small fish and inverts
I want to get clowns but my LFS said clowns dont go into anemones unless I catch a wild one is the true if its not then I'm going to buy quite a few of them
That's not exactly true, a tank raised clown is less likely to host a nem but of course they can and do. I guess he was just just trying to say don't count on it. I have a pair of tank raised percs and they host a bubble tip. Just remember only one pair of clowns in a tank and anemones are advanced inverts that require very high lighting and pristine, stable water parameters. If your tank is still new I would advise against a nem at least for the first 8 months to a year...
That's not exactly true, a tank raised clown is less likely to host a nem but of course they can and do. I guess he was just just trying to say don't count on it. I have a pair of tank raised percs and they host a bubble tip. Just remember only one pair of clowns in a tank and anemones are advanced inverts that require very high lighting and pristine, stable water parameters. If your tank is still new I would advise against a nem at least for the first 8 months to a year...

completley agree with the above. if you are buying a pair as well make sure you buy them small or ensure its a mated pair as two females in a tank will fight possibly to the death
How can you sex clowns then cuz my LFS has a ton of them and I already bought an anemone it's a pink tip and its doing surprisingly fine I thought I was goin to have problems when i bought it but my tank is very good so far I do need to buy a few more pounds of rock and another power head my star fish is also going amazing
You buy one clown noticeably smaller than the other. It would most likely be the male. The bigger more dominant one will become the female.
It looks to be a pink tipped condyactlis anemone, in which case no clownfish species will host it. Fish wise I would get a Midas blenny along with the clowns and call it stocked.
If there are loads of small clowns in same tank buy two from that tank, chances are they will be unsexed and will then grow into their roles
Ok I will buy two then and why don't clowns host pink tipped anemones
Different types of clowns naturally host different types of nems. Condys are not a natural choose for a clown. You'd be better off with a bubble tip.
What other nems look good in aquariums and is it normal for a damsel to literally hide in the anemone like a clown
Rose bubble tips are awesome. What is your lighting like as most nems need pretty intense light.
It's a pretty intense normal blue light but it lights up my entire room if I turn eveyother light off and my room is pretty big there's a lot of like plus its right next to a window and under another fish tank so I have a ton of light but it keeps moving under my rock away from the light
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