Stocking a 29 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 15, 2011
Gig Harbor, WA
I've got a 29 gallon high in the process of cycling and have started doing some research as to what fish I can have in it. I wish it could be bigger as it's a focal point in my living room but I don't have the space. So now I'm looking to find the prettiest, brightest, biggest fish for the space. There's so much online that it's a bit overwhelming, and I'd love to hear what you guys have to say.

I'd love cichlids but I know I don't have enough what would you stock it with?

I did find a beautiful gold gourami at the lfs; that may be an option. But I'd love to have a couple of striking fish in there.

Well its I 29 high right? You could go with an angel. Or you might be able to have a pair of german blue rams. They're dwarf cichlids
I like the long fin black angels. If I went with them, should it be a single fish or could I get a few? I know they pair off, and I've heard that once they're big they will pretty much annihilate the rest of your tank. So I'm guessing that I should have them alone. Thanks!
I like the long fin black angels. If I went with them, should it be a single fish or could I get a few? I know they pair off, and I've heard that once they're big they will pretty much annihilate the rest of your tank. So I'm guessing that I should have them alone. Thanks!
Yes, if you kept them singly with some schooling fish it would look real neat :)
Oh, and if I went with the gbr's could I have anything else with them?
Plenty! GBRs are super peaceful.
a betta adn a largeish school of neons in a planted tank would look amazing
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