Stocking advice

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 13, 2011
I have a 29 gallon moderately planted with 10 endlers( all males) and 3 Ottos. What else could I add without incident?
Hi Ember tetras,rummynoses,cardinals,neons pencil fish? Best idea is to have a look round your local shop and see what you fancy then ask again on here, just make a list while you are there(y)
Your Stocking Question

I have a 29 gallon moderately planted with 10 endlers( all males) and 3 Ottos. What else could I add without incident?

Hello L...

If you're into having more "Livebearers" in your tank, then you could have a few Platys or Swordtails. Your Endlers are prolific breeders, so good idea to have all males.

Lol. Thank you for the rapid responses. I've had most livebearers and am very content with my male endlers only. I'm trying to decide on a center piece fish I guess is what I'm saying. I have to decided quickly otherwise I will become very overly analytical. :) it's my fatal flaw. I start thinking "well this fish will look good, but so will species x as well".
Hi i know how you feel i do the same:hide: sometimes its just nice to go into your local fish shop with a few idea's rather than just one species in my mind and see which looks best when you get there - hope that makes sense:oops:
Heck, I went in with a blank mind and just found something I thought I would enjoy on the endlers. Now I just have to find a centerpiece fish that is compatible with their tiny little, spastic selves. Lol.
A photo of the tank and another of a few of the gang.


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I am afraid of the cichlids because they might eat the little guys. Lol. Plus i'm not a big cichlid guy besides my convicts who are in a species 20L now.
A dwarf cichlid won't eat an adult and adult Endler. I have had some rather small fish with my rams and keyhole and never had an issue. If you had fry, that would be a different story, but since yours are all grown, it shouldn't be an issue. But, its fine if you want something else. Honey gourami or dg?
A single gourami? I think I might enjoy that idea. I've always had a thing for anabantoids. Lol.
Yeah, I would do a single one. Your Endler's should be fine with one of the smaller species. :) There are also croaking gouramis.
I've honestly considered the little croakers. But I have heard they are quite sensitive. Lol. I'm thinking I'll get a dg in a color that contrasts my little guys.
That tank is really nice, would look even better with a pair of electric blue rams. I know your leaning more towards gourami but check them out.
Yeah, I have heard the croakers can be sensitive as well. If you are intersted in one, I suggest PMing severum_mama or HN1. They have had them for sale in the past. I am not sure if they currently do, but they would at least be able to talk to about any special needs the croaker has. :)
I like the colors of dg, but the I have seen a lot of poorly bred ones, so thats I often suggest honey gouramis. As long as you find nice stock, I think either one would be fine though.
Threadfins look funny to me. Lol. Idk why. But they look kind of odd.
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