Stocking level? 55 gal

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 5, 2012
We have a 55g gallon that we moved everything to a couple weeks ago. The was from a year long established 37gallon.

The move went flawlessly and everythng is reading fine.

Currently we have in the tank the following, two red wag platys, 5 ghost catfish, 10 neon tetras, 4 skirt tetras, 5 danios, 2 small algae eaters I forget the actual name. We are running well over double the filtration, all live plants moderate coverage, 50% weekly water changes, all parameters have been fine with this tank and the one we moved from. The kids want to add some fancy guppies.

you have room to add them its just that the black skirts and danios will most likely nip. If you really want them up all your schools to 8 then try.
calfishguy said:
you have room to add them its just that the black skirts and danios will most likely nip. If you really want them up all your schools to 8 then try.

There is room to up them all to 8 and add new fish?
I think it will be tight and you couldn't add a ton of guppies but as stated your guppies tails on the males especially might be too tempting a target for the skirts and danios not to nip at, even in larger schools. You could try but you may have to remove the guppies. Or this is just a thought, could you set up the smaller tank somewhere for the kids? Then they could do their guppies and a few other non-nippy fish.
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