Stocking Poll...

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Which would you suggest for my new tank....

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 12, 2010
Whitestone, Queens, NY
Ok guys ive gone back and forth a dozen times between barbs, loaches and dianos.... or some type of tetras.... now i was opinions...

if you choose "other" describe please...
I chose barbs just because I personally like the looks of them better. :p
It would really help to have some info about the tank. Its hard to suggest something without knowing what size tank we're dealing with. But, assuming it is 55g or larger, i would suggest mbuna. If its a small tank, i would suggest some shell dwelling cichlids. Those are just my personal favorites :)
I like the barbs but only the tigers, golds and cherry. The rummynose tetras are pretty sweet too. I think you'll see more movement with some barbs than tetras like neons and glolights but that's just my exp.
Aren't the tiger barbs really aggressive? I always liked the neon tetras the best when i used to do FW lol.
Tiger barbs are really only aggressive when you dont have enough of them to spread the aggression to. A group of 6 or more and youll be fine.
Cool. Never knew that. I just thought they were aggressive no matter what.
<--- Tetras. I love the varity and most will get along together. Until you get into the freaky ones like the vampire tetra, piranha or pacu. And yep, they are in the same family.
I wont keep tiger barbs cause i ave angel fish and they get nippy on long fins ... but bleeding heatrs are awsome hard to find but the get about 3 inches with a big oval body that is light red ...long top fin on the males really sweet i post a pic when i get to my camera i have 6 of them
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