stocking question

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 27, 2005
i have a 55 gallon that id like to put all neon tetra's in
i was wondering how many i could put in there
I'd say somewhere in the neighbourhood of 80, posiibly 100 if you have it heavily planted (would be nicer for the fish).

If you are doing it to see a nice school, it won't happen. Fish need a threat to school (it's a defence mechanizm).

try adding 5-6 Diamond tetras, then 15 Neons and see if they start schooling (the size of a diamond is big enough to be a threat, and small enough that you aren't stocking feeder neons like I was with the congos (lost 21 neons in 1 week, 0 bodies and none were injured, the congo's doubled in size).

Also, Cardinals and Rummynose make nice schools, you could set up a school of neon's or cardinals and a school of rummynose.
I wouldn't put too many in because the neon's are not top, mid, and bottom dwellers. If you put a nice mix of a few bottom dwellers, some top dwellers, then the neon's, you could have easily 25. But like Wizzard stated, they won't school unless they feel threatened. I was really hoping mine would in the 55 gal tank but I guess they dont' feel threatened because they all hang together scattered throughought the tank.
thanks for the idea's im not going to do anything till spring
so im still in the planning stage i'll have to give your idea's some thought
i had no idea neons wouldnt school i figured id drop some in and it would be cool :lol:
It would be pretty cool to have a few schools of Neons, but they need to feel threatened to actually school together.
i'll have to try the diamond tetra's, and see if this makes them school
maybe i'll get lucky!! if not i'll have a bunch of pretty fish to watch :D
Diamond tetras look amazing with powerglo or 50/50 lighting, the purple in their fins stands out beautifully.

Best of luck, You'll have to post back if the diamonds are big enough to make them school.
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