Stocking Suggestions - 50 Gallon Bowfront

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 15, 2012
I have a 50 gallon bowfront I am setting up (got it from a coworker) that I am looking to stock with Mbuna cichlids. Can anyone make sone stock suggestions. I know that I really want yellow labs. Can I do a mix of the smaller mbuna's? Any suggestions would be very helpful so I can research some options
50 gallon you could do 4 species 1 male to 3 female of each species.For great colour I would recommend the yellow labs,Cobalt blue zebras,Albino zebras and maybe red top afras.That would look pretty cool.Also 2 or 3 cuckoo catfish as they are great with mbuna.
That sounds really cool. Would that be too many fish for 50 gallon?
Id do 2 or 3 species and larger groups of each species. Noticed your from the UK garfy, where are you planning on getting your stock from? Can give you some great places if you need any help.
I have a 50 gallon cichilds set up. I just got every African cichilds I thought looked cool and they all seem to get along great. Maybe I just got lucky but it looks amazing with so many different colored fish in there.
You will need to watch out when they mature at want to start breeding. That's when the fighting begins.
Id do 2 or 3 species and larger groups of each species. Noticed your from the UK garfy, where are you planning on getting your stock from? Can give you some great places if you need any help.

Hiya. I'm from the UK too. Where would you recommend? I'm looking to have 3 speicies in my 53 gallon. Which will probably be 7 of each, yellow labs, white tail and yellow tail acei. I was thinking 1 male to 6 females? Will the two types of acei be ok together?

Sorry for thread jacking!
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