Stocking suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 1, 2012
In a 38-gal tank I have:

3 Platys
4 neon tetras
4 red-eye tetras
4 phantom tetras

Can I/should I add more? If so, what do you suggest. Thanks! Don't know what I would do without this forum.
I woul up your schools of tetras to eight each add three dwarf gouramies and add 4 ballon mollies. You could also add some kind of shrimp such as blueberry or cherry as for numbers on the shrimp start with 8 and they will breed then you will have yourself a wonderful shrimp colony. With this stocking I would do a 40 percent weekly water change. Is your tank planted shrimp love plants.
I agree with upping the schools to 8 but i would not do 3 dwarfs there will be a lot of fighting I would do a honey or pearl gourami instead. I would also not do shrimp as IMO they will all be eaten instead I would do a school of 8 panda cories.
Thank you both. I will start by upping my schools!
To answer your question, yup, my tank is planted.
IMO the gourami won't fight my don't and the shrimp are just to add colour and some movement. I personally don't like cories.
I think the goiramis would be fine in this size tank. They will each have their own spot to call their own territory.

But correct menif I'm wrong, wouldn't a male and two females be the best ratio?
Is eight the minimum number for a school of tetra's? I am planning 1 or 2 schools for my 30 gallon build.
No it is not it depends on your stock and type of tetra ask and I should be able to help. Most of the time it is 6 but the more the better for some types it often helps lower fin nipping etc
I am thinking one school of either neon or cardinals, and one school of Blueberry or Purple tetras. Oh in a 30 gallon with a male betta.
Are you adding anything else or just that cause you could have a school of eight of each with a Betta and a larger type of shrimp such as ghost In 30 gallon. You could most likely even have one of 14 neons and 8 of the other tetras you wanted.
Just keep in mind that red eyes also known as lamp eyes are somewhat notorious for being fin nippers. Increasing your schools will definitely help. any other thoughts on alternate centerpiece fish? I'm sure theres alternatives to the usual gourami recommendation.
Thanks calfishguy. Tomorrow I start cycling, and more research on filter, and plants, lighting. . . so much to learn.
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