stocking suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 2, 2005
i am about to get a 55g tank and i'm planning the fish right now. i'm going to put the fish i have currently in my 20g in the 55g which are 4 zebra danios,3 guppies,3 neon tetras, and 6 cory cats. i want to make it a community tank with maybe a pleco, other various tetras, mollys or platies. do you guys have any suggestions? my main question would be what kind of centerpiece fish should i get? would blue gouramis do well in that kind of tank and how many? thanks!
With the blue gourami, you would end up losing your smaller fish like the neons, as they would be a meal for it. My dwarf gouramis ate 9 of the 12 neons I had in my tank. Dwarf gouramis would work if the neons are big enough, I think my 3 remaining neons are too big to eat. Another good fish are cherry barbs.
I'd get 2 more Danios, 3 more Neons, a dwarf pleco, and a few center piece fish. That should round out your tank nicely. Possibly a few snails, just because they are cute. :D
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