stocking tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 4, 2013
Ottawa, Ontario
So here's my story, So I have a 55 gallon tank with the following fish

2 adolescent Angel Fish
3 Dalmatian Mollies
3 Sword tails
10 Neon tetras
8 Rasboras
3 Rummy nose Tetras (picking up 3 more tonight as my order came in)
2 Borneo sucks (yes I know they need fast flowing water but these guys are happy as a clam in this tank for the last 3 months)

so what I'm wondering with this tank is am I out of room to add more fish? or do I have room for a few more? if so what would you add?

Also I have a 20 gallon cycled tank that is ready to add fish to... I have no clue what to put in there... I would love to add a couple German Blue Ram but from my understanding The German blue ram is not a suitable fish for newly set up aquariums and you should wait until the aquarium have been inhabited for quite a while and contains a thriving population of beneficial bacteria.

Any Ideas on what to add to this tank?

For the 55 I would suggest adding to the schools, 4 more rummy and 2 more rasboras to make an even 10 of all three schoolers. Then a school of corys. Maybe 6 julii? For the 20 I wouldn't do the rams right now, you are correct in your statement about them needing mature tanks. How about 1 dwarf gourami, and a school of small tetras for a couple months, then add the rams.
For the 20, the bolivian ram would be a good substitute but it isn't as brightly colored. You can also use the 20 to keep a colony of shell dwelling cichlids.
I wouldn't add too much simply because the angels, mollies, and swords will all grow pretty big. Many people don't realize that Swords, especially males grow up to 5+ inches. Mollies also attain a good size and both species carry a heavy bio-load. You could up your Rummies so you have 10 the same as the neons but other than that I don't think I'd add anything. You'll have a pretty active tank with several larger fish which IMO along with the schoolers is pretty full when looking at them in adult size terms.
I'm not to concerned about the bio-load one these guys hit full size... I have 2 AC110 on this tank and have a back-up tank (40gal) I just picked up on kijiji for dirt cheap. But I also don't want to over stalk and start having issues :)
I did pick up 3 rummynose tonight Ill go back and pick more up tomorrow.. will look pretty kewl as they shoal with the rasboras all the time.

bolivian ram are kewl I would have to research more on them as I dont know a lot about those ones. dwarf gourami I'm not a big fan of. shell dwelling cichlids I'll have to look up don't think I know of those ones as cichlids are just something im starting to learn more about.. :)
Julii corys are pretty kewl tho.. may go take a look at them tomorrow too.

for the 20 what about 3 barbs and maybe a shoal of cardinal tetras (10) would that work? I know they say barbs are a shoaling fish and its always good to have 5 or more .. but I have seen where folks have had a few together...

also thanks for the info is helping with deciding :)
I would not try barbs and tetras in a small tank together. Barbs can be nippy and they like to get as much territory as they can. 10 Cards might be a little too much, maybe 6, with some panda cories, and shrimp.
hmmm ok thanks.. well I'll head to the lfs today and check out what catches my eye and see if theres anything else I'm interested in.. I may have to get the 40 set up soon so I can get some of these other fish lol

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