Stone in water?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 16, 2012
I just brought back the 55 gallon fish tank and also, my brother brought home a rock from his mine field trip i wanted to put in. Its egg shaped and im assuming its marble. I wanted to put it in the tank later this week. any precautions about this, and how do i know its safe for the fish?
Do the vinegar drop test for starters. Take a couple drops of vinegar and drop on the stone to see if it bubbles or sizzles. If it does you shouldn't use it in your tank as it can increase ph. Post a picture is possible as someone might know what type stone it is.
Cant post pick. i know its made of marble, but he got it from the museum store so idk where its been. ill just soak it in vinegar and see if it bubbles. and if it does ill leave it in the vinegar for a while, or ill boil it.
Don't boil it. Try to drops, don't need to let it sit in vinegar. You can scrub it good with a new toothbrush or something similar that has never been used with any type of soap or cleaning product and pour some super hot water over the stone a few times then it should be good to go.
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