Strange female betta behavior...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 31, 2008
North Carolina
I noticed last night that my blue female betta looked a little funny. Remember, I had to seperate her and the other female. Well, the blue one's tank sits about 12-14 inches away from my 10g that my male betta is in. I think she can see him and is "courting". Do the females do that?? Anyway.....when I looked at her she had definite horizontal stripes (not vertical like most web sites say they do when spawning) and her belly looked really fat. I have tried to post a few pictures of it, but it was hard to get her on camera. The top two pics show her stripes and the bottom shows her belly. Then, I read somewhere that these horizontal stripes could mean they are stressed. I just did a water change on her yesterday, so that isn't a problem. She can't see the other female because I have paper in between their tanks so they can't see each other. When I saw these stripes on her last night I put up some paper on the other side of her tank so she couldn't see my most beautiful male specimen (Bert) in the 10g. The paper fell off sometime during the night. Well...this morning, she now has vertical stripes (not nearly as noticable). What should I do? Or do nothing...and let the poor girl
Yeah female bettas can do courting and be as aggressive or more so than the males sometimes. I assume it just has to do with the personality of the fish. My female betta tried to eat the male betta when I introduced them (she actually "swallowed" all of his tail all the way up to his caudal peduncle and I got her to spit it out relatively unharmed). Now she lives in a community tank with mollies and gets along perfectly with all the inhabitants.
that depends do you want to have betta fry? lol. I think you already named your options breed them or keep them seperate and that is totally up to you!
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