Strange Guppy Behaviour

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 17, 2011
Please can someone help. Today my guppies have stayed up in a group on the surface of the water. Normally they swim all around down deep etc.

Is there something wrong?


they do that when they are stressed. its possible the water might not be oxygenated enough, or your having a spike in ammonia or other parameters.
Thank you so much. I'm new to this. All the other fish are fine but I did notice that one of my tuxedo patties was sitting on the bottom allot. What can I do to quickly help the situation drop from the danger point.

Water change?

I use tetra aqua safe to add to my water prior to adding to the tank.
It's a 70 ltr

Hope you can help
Got the tank beginning of August. Started off with 6 baby guppies that I had from birth. Gradually added to baby plattys 3 neon tetra a Molly 2 more guppies and a gowarmi (that's spelt well wrong) lol
Babaloo151070 said:
I've just did a yet strip the No3 is pink (50)
No2 is white

I'm not sure what these results mean sorry. I suggest you go out and purchase a LIQUID test kit. Strips can be highly inaccurate. How long has there been fish in the tank? Is the tank cycled? What other fish do you have besides the guppies?
I would also recommend a liquid test kit, i would have lost ALL my guppies otherwise. However my guppies all sleep on the bottom of the tank, it can be quite worrying when i come home late from work and it takes a second look to make sure they are still alive!! (I have crazy fish though)
3 neon tetras
2 sunset plattys babys
2 tuxedo platys babys
Dalmatian Molly
1 gourami

The Dalmatian Molly and two adult guppies have been in two days
I'm pretty sure it's due ammonia spike. How long since you chafed partial water. To save the fishes I would recommend an immediate 50% water change .. And then go out to buy a API test kit for ammonia..
Babaloo151070 said:
I've just did a yet strip the No3 is pink (50)
No2 is white

His nitrates are a lil high, and his nitrites are zero.. But yea, that's according to the strips, which as said before are highly inaccurate. API Master Test Kit. I got mine on eBay for $18.
Babaloo151070 said:
3 neon tetras
2 sunset plattys babys
2 tuxedo platys babys
Dalmatian Molly
1 gourami

The Dalmatian Molly and two adult guppies have been in two days

Did you cycle your rank prier to adding fish in august? We can't really help you out much until we have your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH readings. If you can't get a test kit can you tank a sample of water to your LFS to get tested? Just make sure they use a liquid test and get them to write down the numbers for you.
From the photos it does look like you already have some air bubbles.. So air may not be an issue.. Also let everyone know the tank size.. Filter size.. Last water change etc. It would help to identify the problem..
Sorry.. Just noticed you already mentioned its 70l tank.. That's about 18+g tank.. It may be just enough... That is if the tank was properly cycled.. Since you don't hv ammonia test kit I would assume the was not properly cycled.. In this situation adding fish would be unbalance the tank which is already unstable.

As I mentioned before do a partial water change immediately.. Ensure the heater is working and water is at right temperature.. Ensure the new water you add is at same temperature at the time of adding..

Once you get the ammonia test kit.. Closely monitor the ammonia level and do a water change as soon as it goes up.. Don't add any new fish until you know for sure that ammonia stays in zero between your regular water changes... Hope this helps. Good luck!
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