Strange tank size......

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 5, 2004
I bought a wierd fish tank the other day. The measurements are:
---1' 7 1/2" long
---10" wide
---2" Tall
What # of gallons is this?
Also can anyone suggest any fish for a tank like this? I like cichlids if any could live in this. Would I need special equipment for a deep tank like this?
I have another tank its 20gal regular and I have cories, a really tiny angel, neons, glow light tetras, and zebras. I was really hoping I could put a different type of fish in there. Would I need a filter with a long intake tube and a deep water air pump?

I was reading a magazine and it said you can put 6 or 8 (I could put less if I had to) julidochromis marlieri (a type of Tanganyikan Dwarf cichlid) in a 10 or 15 gal tank. Would that work? Does anybody have any ideas on a strange looking fish? Maybe a figure eight puffer?
I was just reading on the internet that those cichlids are shy and I could only put a pair in. Plus they breed like crazy! Im thinking a figure eight puffer or some other odd fish. Any comments?
I found a cool cichlid at the store, it was small and yellow with horizontal black stripes and the stomach is white. The max size is 5". I didnt buy it though, my tank is completely empty.
A powerfilter with a long intake tube will be needed for such a deep tank. I know aquaclear has intake extensions for their filters. And you wont need an air pump if you have a power filter.

I would not keep 6-8 julidochromis marlieri together in one tank. When they are adults they will pair off and start becoming VERY aggressive. I would only keep them in that small of a tank for breeding. But then there would be no fish in the upper area of the tank making it very dull.

Puffers are a great idea. I know dwarf puffers can do well in groups and use all areas of the tank, but you would need a species only tank because they are notorious fin-nippers. Other puffers are all brackish-saltwater which I dont know much about.

Another thing that would work is a large school of tiger barbs, which look awesome when they swim together. You could then have some loaches at the bottom. Skunk and yoyo loaches come to mind.

Menagerie - I dont think the tank is home-made, all-glass makes a 20g X-high with those dimensions.
I do like the dwarf puffer idea. After doing research I found that julidochromis marlieri arent a good idea. Im thinking of maybe putting green tree frogs in, but I love fish....... Ill keep aquaclear filters in mind. My biggest problem is where to put the tank......If I put it on the floor, im afraid it will stress the fish, but if its on a stand, I cant reach the bottom :?
Your tank seems to a 20 X-high. 20 1/4 x 10 1/2 x 23 3/4
The 10, 15 high and 20 extra high have the same footprint. A 10 gallon hood will fit on your tank in case you were wondering what to get.
Yea, I was going to get a ten gallon florescent hood. (my house stays warm and my tanks always stay at 80 degrees, incandescent heats right?) Im going to (try to) build a stand (hahaha) and move the angel being harassed by my neighbors sharks in there. Unfortunately I have to start w/ a 5 gal filter (Im so sorry.... :cry: ) Until my mom has money...those darn bills :evil:

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