Stream of Tiny Bubbles?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 28, 2003
Texas USA
I just noticed in my 10 gallon on of my plants has a tiny stream of bubbles slowly floating to the surface of the tank. Is something wrong with it? The bubbles move very slowly though. I have done anything recently except add a otocinlus which died...... 4 days after I got it. I got it about a week ago.
I think that's actually a good sign - it means your water is saturated with oxygen and your plant is photosynthesizing.
When plants are doing well, they use co2 and give off oxygen. Its called pearling. Good job.
If the bubbles are accumlating on the plants it's called pearling. If the plants have a stream of tiny bubbles streaming from it, it means there is some damage there and oxygen is seeping out of the plant
What if there's both? I don't know what could have cause the damage, but maybe the ghost shrimps? Unless the Corydoras or Blue Ram did it.
Heh i just started to get pearling today myself. One piece of on cont vals are streaming too, but the damage is quite apparent on them. You may have damaged them yourself when you moved or cleaned/trimmed your plants. If i understood it correctly, it's nothing to really worry about.
That is called "streaming" and is still a good thing - unhealthy plants won't do it even when damaged, so you may be well on your way to true pearling :D
Yea i figured. The pearling is pretty significant now, but i'm still a bit surprised. It's mostly concentrated on my java fern, but i think it's because it's close to the light (attached to a piece of drift wood). Both of my fastest growing stems only have little patches of pearling.

I remember alot of people saying they got pearling after a major water change. That's what i did today. But i did it with water that has been sitting out for 3 days (i don't like using chemical dechlorinaters when id on't have to). But i also used quite a bit of excel as per the directions after a water change. Dunno what's causing it...LOL but i like it!
I would say its the combo of the water change and the Excell. Carbon source from the excell, trace elements from your nicely-aged water, and bingo! pearling!
Good job, your plants are happy!
This is off the topic of pearling, but I didn't want to make another topic so here it goes.
I bought some Ludwigia (Don't remeber how it's spelled or what kind) a few weeks ago, and I noticed the leaves started to come off. The bottom to middle area has small leaves growing off there, but no bigger leaves. The top is fine and continues to grow more leaves. Is this normal? I don't want the plants to die off. Btw is it fine to cut off the bottom of the stem and just place the top part in the gravel? The top of the plant looks really nice, just the bottom has no leaves and doesnt look very good.
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