Stringy White Poo (Update- cant find meds in can. What now?)

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 16, 2004
I know its been brought up before but Ive tried searching for it without luck....what causes fish to have stringy white 'sausage-casing' poo. One of my female bettas has it right now and she is in a communal fem betta tank. Im really worried that she could be spreading a disease to my other bettas. Im thinking I need to qt her but the qt tank is full of danios at the moment. Also, she seems to have gone into hiding lately and only comes out for food. Im really worried, I dont want my females to die. What is the cause of this and how can I fix it. Thanks guys.
Sounds like hexamita. I've successfully treated this with Metronidazole. This is a good medication to keep on hand as it is an effective treatment for most protozoan and anearobic bacterial diseases.
Is this a serious disease? What causes it and how can I go about preventing it? Also, is it contagious?
Hex is a free swimming protozoan which lives in the upper intestinal tracts of most fish(especially cichlids). In good water conditions, and good feeding routines the protozoa will remain in check. The effects of the disease can be brought on by stress or simply if the fish overeats. It can be spread through fecal material in the tank. If you don't treat the fish it will be fatal, but this is one disease that is easily cured with the use of metro.

Side note: My expertise is not with anabantids. I'm just telling you what I suspect sugarloves. There's really no way I could make an accurate diagnosis.
Oh god ths is not looking good. I went to the pet store today and asked about treatments and they said all the meds that contain the Metronidazole are found in the US only. You cant get them in Canada now. Ackk! What do I do now. Im still a student and I dont have a card to order off the net...and my rents REFUSE to put their credit cards online. Besides, Im assuming that they my fish will perish before the meds arrive. Also, i live in a small town and only 2 fish stores here dont have a good selection on fish meds. I read the back of everymedicatin in the stores; none contain Metronidazole! How can I go about curing my fishies if I cant find these meds!?
See if you can find Parasite Control by Jungle Labs. It contains metro. If not, use any parasite cure available in Canada.

I just bought Sulfathiazole (Seachem) from a LFS. It says it treats bacteria, fungal and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. Since you don't know for certain that your fish are battling Hex, this may be a good alternative--and I know it's in Canada :D
I was able to find this at Zellers in Canada.
8O That's the last place I would look for meds! Thanks for the heads up.

[center:14956edd9f] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA hugeshoes! :n00b: [/center:14956edd9f]
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