substrate and lighting questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 26, 2006
I am fairly new to planted tanks but I want to try it. I am setting up a tank to breed convict cichlids and i would like it to he heavily planted. If i go with the Eco-complete substrate how much do you suggest. The bag says about 3" does anyone have any experience with how much will work the best? Also should I use this as my only substrate or mix a gravel with it?

Just let me know if i am on the right tack with this one. From what I have read if i use low lighted plants i can get away with not using CO2? But i suppose that if i am going for heavily planted i should look into it?

Thanks ahead of time
HERE is a substrate calculator. Just plug in the length and width of the tank and the number of inches of substrate you want.

What size is the tank?

If you have a low light tank, you don't necessarily need CO2. If you have a heavily planted low light tank, you don't need CO2. But if you want to have high light, you need CO2.
For a 29g the calculator says you'd need 40lb for a 2 inch bed. That would be 2 bags. I'd get 3 bags if you want more than 2 inches.

Aquarium Plants had Eco for sale with free shipping. I'm not sure if they are still doing that, but I'd check into it if you plan to order the Eco. If you can get in locally then nevermind.
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