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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 22, 2017
I'm looking into sand or gravel for my new aquarium. What do you guys prefer?
Some of it depends on the fish you are keeping.... cories will do better on sand as they can damage their barbells on gravel (although I have kept them on rounded gravel with no issues). Many cichlids species enjoy/desire "sifting" sand.

I prefer sand and have it in 8 of my 9 tanks... but I will say the tank with gravel is wonderful.

So, it depends on what you prefer... but definitely give consideration to the needs of the fish you want to keep when making your substrate decision.

Have fun!
Generally speaking, I think you'll find most people (like myself) prefer sand. I do like the look of black rocks though.
I'm a sand person all the way. 2 of my 5 tanks are sand and prefer them. 55 and 40 are sand. 20 and 10 are gravel/rocks. and i have a 5 gallon plant tank with snails and a couple of guppies with a bare bottom. I feel like gravel and rocks lets poop, detritus, and nasty stuff seep through it more so you have to really siphon it more often. Bare bottom tanks are just unsightly. however sand if some stuff does get under it can trap bad gas pockets so make sure you really stir it up semi-regularly. however poop and old food gets stopped at the surface easier because it is more compact.

soft bodied fish like kuhli's prefer sand. sand is also easier on corydora barbels.
Plus many of my fish like to sift through it for food.
Hope i helped, good luck!
Sand is by far the easiest when planting. I personally have the Seachem Fluorite gravel, with sand on the bottom.

Many other people on here love ADA Aquasoil, which is by far the best for plants, but degrades over time and leaves dust. For this reason, I chose the Flourite gravel.

It is really personal preference of what you think looks best. I would just look at a ton of pictures on here, or on Google and determine what you like best.
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