Sucked onto filter

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 10, 2005
Ontario Canada
I recently changed my water and it made this one gourami a bit tired

when i was done and installed the filter back, the gourami got sucked onto the filter grill.

not the bone is sort of warped into a semi circle shape. its still swimming, but spends a lot of time on the bottom... i havnt seen it eat yet

my other gouramis were biting it so i put it in a separate tank.

think it will survive?
Sorry to hear about your gourami :( It was a good idea to isolate him from the others. Is he getting to the surface of the water at all? You may already know that gouramis need to breathe air at the water's surface, using the labyrinth organ behind their gills. If necessary, you could lower the water level a little bit to allow him to reach the surface more easily if it looks like he's having trouble. If he has an open wound that needs medication, use an antibiotic like Maracyn 1 or 2, TripleSulfa, or Kanaplex. Don't use Melafix -- although it's a great med for other fish, it may adversely affect the labyrinth organ in bettas and gouramis. Make sure the gourami has some hiding places in the QT tank, and keep the light low to avoid stress.
he died. actually he was stuggling really hard to swim. he was rolling over and flipping. then he stopped moving.
Sorry, GIMojo :( I don't think it was anything you did during the water change. It sounds like he was in poor health already, or just old :( Healthy fish do not usually get stuck to the filter intake.
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