suggestions for colorful plants

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 28, 2005
Stuttgart, Germany
I am looking for some suggestions for some more colorful plants that dont require low NO3. I went out and got Eusteralis stellata it is growing well but it is not coloring, probably because I am maintaining my NO3 at 15-20 ppm. Any other suggestions?
Nymphaea lotus (dwarf lily, tiger lily) is relatively colorful at variations of pink and red, and it will do this in a variety of water conditions.
I have actually been to both those sites. Lots of good info but I am looking more for personal experience. Those sites are great for finding out info for a plant you have or identifying species but not so good for me at least at picking plants. At the LFS the plants are always green and you dont know what they will look like when they mature.
My red temple does well in my tank that I have to keep at around 30ppm due to high phosphate, so that is a consideration.
Yes, Ludwigia is great for color. Ludwigia glandulosa is my favorite. It has a deep wine-red color when it is in prime health. Limnophila aromatica is also a great plant for red/pink coloration, as is Rotala macrandra, which may be the brightest red plant I've seen.
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