Sump for a 55 gal cabinet

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 27, 2005
Tucson, Arizona
I know I saw this in the forum somewhere already but I cant find it. I have a 55 gal with a stand and I need a sump/skimmer combo that is narrow enough to fit in about 12 inches. Thanks in advance.
For cramped spaces, you might be best off building/ordering a custom sump. The cheapest/easiest way to go is to see if you can fit a couple smaller tanks in there and plumb them together.

Does the stand have a support front/center? That can also influence your choices.
Hey thanks for the suggestions :mrgreen: but I would really rather have it inside my stand so I can hide all the other equipment as well. And yes the stand has a center column/post.
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