Sump refugium with Skimmer DIY?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 12, 2013
As mentioned in another post I am NEW TO THIS do not say things I will not understand. Imagine I'm a 5 year old. S P E A K S L O W L Y. LOL

So I'm setting up a Sump Refugium with Protein Skimmer. This will be my only filtration. I'm hoping. RIGHT????

60 gallon tank

20 gallon Refugium/Sump

20 gallon is positioned directly under the 60 gallon in a cabinet with an area behind it for hoses/tubes/etc. Standard Pestsmart black stand we cut a hole in the back, and removed the shelf.

I saw this on Ebay

20 Gal L Refugium Kit 30" x 12" x13" Custom Protein Skimmer Sump Aquarium Filter | eBay

now, based on only seeing one ONCE for about 30 seconds I'm not sure how to make it work.

I see this thing and it seems legit but the holes for the bags have me stymied. WTH are those?

Also how does the water come OUT of the tank? Is is just a siphon? and the return pump how do I know what size I need? I have no Idea.

HELP - the videos on line are great but they are MISSING the very basics - as if I know what I'm doing before I set the )(%*# thing up. I do not. AT ALL

Are you looking to buy this sump from eBay? It's pretty easy and cheaper to make your own. To get the water from your tank to the sump you can use an overflow box that hangs on the back of the tank that keeps a continuous siphon. My sump has 3 sections 1 the drain area with filter floss 2 the refugium with chaeto algae and 3 the return area which houses the pump that pushes water back up into the tank. There are many ways to set up a sump, if you search "sump" I'm this forum it will pull up a bunch of ideas.

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