
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 5, 2020
Hello everyone! I am a new member and new to the hobby! :fish2: I just wanted to introduce myself by saying I have a nano goldfish tank with 3 baby commons, a couple snails, and cherry shrimp. I am also about to pick up 2 American flagfish from my LFS in a couple days, so that is exciting. Also, please don't leave any negative comments about nano fish-keeping; I am a college student and the largest tank I will be allowed to have in the dorms when I go back in a couple months is 20 gallons, so I am planning for the future by keeping them all in a 20gal from the get-go. I also have a strong filter that I keep on the highest setting, two air stones, some live plants, and I change the water every other day. I know I won't be able to keep the commons in there once they start getting really big, but I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

Welcome to the site. I'm concerned about the fish eating your shrimp. With the commons I'm sure someone with a pond will take them when they get bigger.
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