Sword question

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 9, 2011
I have just started moving into the planted tank direction and I bought an amazon sword that is starting to not look so good. I got the plant about a month ago.

First of all I have a 29 gallon standard tank and the only plant in the tank is this sword. It has gravel for substrate, the lights are Current T5s 2 x 24 watts and both the bulbs are 10000k. I have been leaving the lights on 9 hours a day. Also I have root tabs in the gravel because I'm pretty sure sword plants are root feeders, but I'm new to plants.

The sword is starting to look black and get some black spots on the leaves. Also the leaves and stem have an outline of black around them. It's no algae because I tried to rub it off. Does anybody have any suggestion?
I have had my best luck growing plants under 5000K tubes. If it is spot algae you will not rub it off without damaging the leaves. One trick with swords is to check to see if they have formed a bulb at the base of the plant. If there is one, remove it by twisting off or cutting and replant the plant and the bulb. This will usually lead to a growth spurt with the plant.The bulb will grow one or more new plants.
Yeah I was also thinking that I should probably switch up the bulbs that I am using. Also I have been getting green algae on the glass, do you think switching the lights closer to 6700k would help?
Algae will grow under any type of light. When you have only one plant, there is usually more than enough nutrients to also feed algae.
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