T8 8,000k What can I plant?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 27, 2011
I have a 24" T8 8,000k bulb that came with my aquarium setup in a 36 gallon Bowfront tank. I want to get rid of the plastic plants and go natural. What can I plant that will effectively grow in this tank?
I have a 24" T8 8,000k bulb that came with my aquarium setup in a 36 gallon Bowfront tank. I want to get rid of the plastic plants and go natural. What can I plant that will effectively grow in this tank?

What's the wattage of the fixture? What kind of substrate do you have and is there any DW (drift wood) in you tank?

Some good low light plants:
Java Fern Best attached to DW via thread or wedged into a crack
Java Moss Also wedged in a crack in the DW or wrapped on a rock with course netting.

Here's a link to more plants/info

PlantGeek.net - Your Aquatic Plant Resource
I believe it's a 20w (doesn't say on bulb or on sheet that came with kit) I have mixed substrate as my girlfriend wanted color. (I'm worried about my substrate being able to support plants as well) It's instant Aquarium Kon tiki and a smooth white standard gravel. (bag says safe for plants and bottom feeders but we all know not to believe everything we read) I have one piece of DW from Malawi at the moment and getting a mopani log soon.

Thanks for the link as well. Great info there!
I believe it's a 20w (doesn't say on bulb or on sheet that came with kit) I have mixed substrate as my girlfriend wanted color. (I'm worried about my substrate being able to support plants as well) It's instant Aquarium Kon tiki and a smooth white standard gravel. (bag says safe for plants and bottom feeders but we all know not to believe everything we read) I have one piece of DW from Malawi at the moment and getting a mopani log soon.

Thanks for the link as well. Great info there!

I'd suggest sticking to low light plants and you should be OK and your gravel will be fine IMO. Mopani is great DW, I have 1 and want more :D.

Happy Planting!
Agreed with Mr. L. Low light plants will be about all you can grow with that fixture.

java fern
java moss
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