Tang question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 13, 2011

I am looking into getting a yellow eyed kole tang and an orange shoulder tang to my 120 gallon tank. I was wondering if these would be the right tangs to get and if there are any other tangs I should look into.
I have a foot long snowflake eel, a 4 inch sailfin tang, a porqupine puffer, and a twinspot wrasse.
For some reason I never have good luck with tangs. Very beautiful fish just constantly get ick. And with your puffer you would want to stay away from copper. Maybe I just have bad luck. But I really like yellow tangs
For some reason I never have good luck with tangs. Very beautiful fish just constantly get ick. And with your puffer you would want to stay away from copper. Maybe I just have bad luck. But I really like yellow tangs
Tangs get ich A LOT! Thats one downside, but they are really beautiful fish.
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