Tank advice

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 21, 2017
United kingdom
I've set my tank up which is currently cold water as I'm starting off simple, what's the best kind of cold water fish or marine life I could get also what's the best kind of plants to decorate the tank with ?
So for other... 16 us gallons and 64 degrees f.

There are some cold water rasbiras... but not goldfish in that small of a tank. Must think..
Sorry I am bad a converting Liters to gallons

Thats normal. I just have been looking at a lot of tanks listed in liters because I am looking at nicer aquascaping tanks:)

Honestly, I am at a loss for fish quite that low. Most fish I deal with start about 21 C.

Anyone good with small tank cold water fish?
I second white cloud mountain minnows. They can handle that cold temp and actually like it better. Nothing else crosses my find immediately, but I know there are probably some other suitable species. Goldfish of any kind are too big for this tank so don't do that
Thanks for the help and could shrimp be a possibility, also I do have a brother that I could get a 220 Litre tank of that is of any help
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