Tank bliss

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 28, 2012
So happy my tank is now coming out of its cycle and plants are becoming established even the small Anubis that I just pushed into a hole of a bit of my wood has taken bite and started rooting itself onto the wood no string attached lol

Fish are loving life and I am starting to see some growth from my 2 bristle noses

So far community tank consisting of
2 bristle noses
2 gourami
4 clown loaches
2 striped kuhli-loach
3 guppies
3 cardinal tetras

Are all getting along just fine
Am waiting for my 5 long fin zebra danios and 1 long fin bristle nose to come this week too can't wait.

Here's a pic of the tank ATM


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So happy my tank is now coming out of its cycle and plants are becoming established even the small Anubis that I just pushed into a hole of a bit of my wood has taken bite and started rooting itself onto the wood no string attached lol

Fish are loving life and I am starting to see some growth from my 2 bristle noses

So far community tank consisting of
2 bristle noses
2 gourami
4 clown loaches
2 striped kuhli-loach
3 guppies
3 cardinal tetras

Are all getting along just fine
Am waiting for my 5 long fin zebra danios and 1 long fin bristle nose to come this week too can't wait.

Here's a pic of the tank ATM

Awesome!! What size is it? It looks quite long...
I was going to ad more cardinals for shore
In a tank that size I'd add 6 more Kuhli loaches as they like to be in groups of at least 6. Then a school of 25 cardinals would look really good. I have a 220g heavily planted and I have a school of 25 cardinals and 25 rummynose tetras. They really look striking in a large group.
In a tank that size I'd add 6 more Kuhli loaches as they like to be in groups of at least 6. Then a school of 25 cardinals would look really good. I have a 220g heavily planted and I have a school of 25 cardinals and 25 rummynose tetras. They really look striking in a large group.

True dat with the kuhlis! And theat would look awesome!! 25 of both of them!!!!!
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