Tank is turning ugly....

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 9, 2004
My 18 gallon tropical freshwater tank has been set up for 4 months, and recently it has been showing signs of algae growth. There is brown material growing on the plastic plants, decorations, and the tank walls. The water parameters are good and stable, and the tank does not get direct sunlight. Is there anything I can do to slow/halt the growth of the algae? It's ugly!
Lots. To begin with, remove the plastic plants and under running water, take as much algae off as you can. Then scrape the glass clean. Reduce the number of hours you leave the light on. All of this should help quite a bit. What you're experiencing is quite normal as tanks become established.

There is brown material growing on the plastic plants, decorations, and the tank walls.
Actually, this algae could care less about the about of light it sees. :wink: There is no chloroplast and therefore light is irrelevant. However, this algae feeds on excess nutrients in the water.
The water parameters are good and stable
Can you provide the exact readings--please include nitrate.

Your tank is only 4 months old--it's still a new tank and this is par for the course. Vacuum the gravel once a week--you do not want waste or excess food in the tank. Reduce feedings to once a day~or even better, once every other day (the fish will be fine!). Clean the plants as Brian suggested and you will have your tank looking good again!
my 10 gallon went through this stage when it was first set up. Probably 2 months into it being started. However, mine was not as bad. I put some live plants in there and the brown stuff just went away on its own. Menagerie said the stuff is growing off excess nutrients so putting some live plants will help absorb those nutrients, plus I think it makes the tank look better :wink:
Brown Algae (Diatoms) are very normal in a new set up and will eventually go away once the tank stabilizes.

To help it go away, I would not overfeed your fish, keep up with your water changes and water testings.
ammonia - 0
nitrate - 10
nitrite - 0
pH - 7.4

I do gravel vacuum and water changes weekly, and feed once per day, careful not to overfeed (which is hard to do anyway with 2 voracious buenos aires tetras that eat everything in seconds!)

I'll clean off the decorations and wipe down the walls, and then wait to see if it clears up.
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