Tank mates??? (Krib)

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 6, 2017
Hi, I’m new to owning fish. I have a tropical tank (don’t ask me how big I don’t know) and yesterday I bought fish. I have 1 cichlad (Krib, female according to google) 1 blue Gourami, 1 gold gourami (both female according to google) 1 red tail shark and 1 Chinese algae eater. I know nothing about these fish, I just chose them and off I went. BUT, my cichlad is very aggressive. She just hides, and only comes out to eat, or attach the Others. The other 4 fish get along fine. Is the cichlad supposed to mix with these fish? I’m thinking of returning her or re homing her? I did ask the pet store for advice but they said to put these fish together would be fine.
Keep your favorite and probably take everything else back.

Then research what is compatible with your favorite.
Nice pet store mix. I'd return all of the fish, figure out what size tank you have and what you can keep in that size aquarium, do some research on what is actually compatible and then I would purchase fish.
No fish is safe from Ciclids especially when they grow a bit. There are some that they seem to leave alone....for a while. Size differential is important. When my Oscar got larger he killed my Firemouths who are nippers as well. Then everything else. Oscars are extremely territorial. One day they seem indifferent to a fish then you look and notice it’s tail sticking out the Oscars mouth. His meals cost more than I spend at most restaurants! I find it beneficial to have certain fish populate their own tank. Eventually buy a tank for more docile community type fish if desired. Observation is important, Youtube has many videos of aquarium hobbyist experiences hear ye them is my policy.
Seeing as you've found the internet, you can easily search many things.. such as tank size (very important but I wouldn't ask...) species in un-specified tank( again.. I won't ask.) You can Google so many things it would save you the pain-staking process of posting a forum and listing your allergies..
The krib should be fine.
Send the redtail and CAE back and get a male krib for her..
Both of those fish will cause trouble sooner or later...
The gouramis will be tough enough to handle the kribs and be much larger..

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