Tank Size and Filters

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 9, 2003
Saskatchewan, Canada
I have a 2 gallon aquarium. I would like to know if it can be managed successfully. What sort of filter is best used and what type of fish/aquatic frogs would do best in a small tank.

I have not had fish live all that long before in this tank and I have felt that it was because of inadequate filtration. Any suggestions would be more than welcome.

Do you do daily, or atleast bidaily water changes?

Or clean the gravel?

Use declorinator on tap water when its put into the tank?
You may want to take into consideration what William said. To address your question though, you can get a small air pump, this helps release some toxins. I know for a fact Azoo makes a very small power filter, might be something you may to look into. Here's a link so you can get an idea of what the filter is capable of, and what it looks like. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=6&pCatId=9821
There is a small filter for sale at Walmart that I have used in my 1 gallon betta tank in the parst. It has a small air pump and catridges that can be replaced every month or so. It did a great job of keeping the water clean and clear.

As for pets in a tank that small. Dwarf frog or a betta. Not a whole lot of choices there but both are good choices. The betta will do really well in there. If you do use a filter then still do a weekly water change of 30-50% of the water and add a dechlorinator to the replacement water. Don't over feed ( a few betta pellets or a pinch of freeze dried blood worms once a day will do). And if you add a nice sprig of java fern which doesn't need special lights or fertilizers then you could have a thriving betta tank.
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