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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 9, 2012
What temp do u all keep your tropical fish tanks at?
Ld123 said:
What temp do u all keep your tropical fish tanks at?

It depends on what fish everyone would have - some tropical fish need higher or lower temps.

I keep mine at 77 degrees Fahrenheit because one of my fish needs between 75-78, which is really small range compared to most tropicals.
I have rummy nose tetras, cardinal tetras, mollies, guppies, clown Plec, platies
The mid 70s will be fine. You could go as low as 74, but 76 would be about right. Tropical fish have a much broader range than people realize. 65 to about 80 is what most tropical fish can live in. I'd say no higher than 76 to keep more O in the water.
It should be fine.

I have Bolivian rams, penguin tetras, zebra danios, Chinese algae eaters and Amano Shrimps. I keep my temp around 25-26c. Usually hovers around 25.3C

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