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( 8 ) eiGhtBaLL

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 1, 2003
I've never made an aquarium before, and I need to know about temperatures.

Is it worth having a controlled temperature? Or is room temperature fine for most fish?

Thankyou :)

NB: I don't know what size tank I am having yet.
I would install a heater into the tank to get through winter. This can be adjusted to the temp you want without it fluctuating esp at night.

What kind of fish will you put into the tank?
NB: I don't know what size tank I am having yet.

This would help answer your question.
That depends on what type of fish you want to keep and what your definition of room temp is. Most tropical fish will do well between 76 and 80 deg F. Some fish, although they can live in water at this temp, will do better in colder water. Some prefer it slightly warmer. Unless you intend to keep the fish that prefer cooler water, I think a heater is needed. They aren't that expensive and are good insurance. Possible scenario: You are gone and your heating system in your house malfunctions. The heater in the tank, even if it rarely comes on, could be the difference between chilly fish and dead fish. JMHO.
Logan J
Its good to have a heater cause they shouldnt cost too much and they keep the water at a constant temperature garenteed.
Just do a search (on Google or another engine) on the species of fish that you want. Information varies depending on the rarity of the fish, but you can find more or less accurate info that way. I usually look up three different sites to compare the information, and usually all three are close if not exact. IMO, most fish are happiest at a steady temp and the easiest way to do that is with a heater (and don't forget the thermometer).
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