Testing water.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 30, 2012
This may be a dumb question, but this thought just crossed my mind. When testing my tank water should I be testing from the water that comes out of the filter or from the water in the tank? I know the water goes and comes from the same place but I just got to thinking since most of the BB is in the filter maybe I should be testing from that water instead of getting it straight out of the tank?
Mrs.h2012 said:
This may be a dumb question, but this thought just crossed my mind. When testing my tank water should I be testing from the water that comes out of the filter or from the water in the tank? I know the water goes and comes from the same place but I just got to thinking since most of the BB is in the filter maybe I should be testing from that water instead of getting it straight out of the tank?

Just take the water from the tank Mrs.h2012

You'll be fine. That's what I do.
I thought so, just thought I would ask more experienced aquarists :)
The API science nerds recommend you hold the test tube upside down, entrance hole going into water first - straight down until the middle of the tank, then turn up - fill test tube up, remove then drain to the 5ml mark. It's all to do with getting a more accurate reading from older water rather than freshly filtered water, but to be honest I don't know anyone who does it - I don't.
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