tetra neons

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 18, 2003
I was wondering if a lot of neons would be good for a small tank. Also, since i want neons, what kind of conditions would be good for them? Also, would a suckerfish be ok with a lot of neons? Thanks, please reply i need a lot of help!
how small of a tank? I wouldn't put neons in anything smaller than 10 gallons. I have guppies ina 3 gallon tank and they are doing great.
Well, its not my tank, :lol: but i'm doing this for a friend. I'll get back to you with the tank size. But what are good temperatures etc. for neons? And how big are guppies? And would a suckerfish be compatible with neons?
:band: happy easter!
I think you mean plecostamas=suckerfish, as long as you can get rid of it later, then they are fine. I would keep the temp 67-74 for the tetras. Ten gallons, I would go with 8 tetras.
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:microwave: Hey, my friends tank is 1/2 gallon :cry: what do you say to that? their looking for some easy to handle fish that wont die too soon on them, which can be compatible with a plectoplasm. ??? thanx
I'm not an expert, but I think a siamese fighting fish or betta might do the trick. I'm not really sure if the siamese fighting fish go along with the pleco though.
The only thing I'd put in a 1/2 gal tank is a betta. Not even a plec. Just one betta. And some plants.

They'll get along fine with a pleco, but really a 1/2 gallon tank is WAAY too small for two fish that size, let alone one pleco.

yea, sorry, 1/2 gallon is tough. All you can really get is a little betta, or maybe one tetra, but it would not be happy
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:band: Yea, my friends, they got a beta, and like a year after it died, my tank is much bigger and i have a betta, and its still living after about two years, although i told my friends that the tank was not big enough, and they are going to go ahead and get about seven tetras and a pleco, that made me a little mad that they would do that to the fish. if you had a site, thats got good resources, and it talked about how big a tank you should have for tetras and a pleco, then they wouldnt get the fish. thanx
Well, unfortunately, you told me online that they had a busy schedule and would not change the water often, so you wont have to fell bad for the fish too long.
This place is the place for them. Send them to this thread. We'll take care of them...:twisted:

I keed, I keed...but yeah, send them here.

Wow, only one tetra for a half gallon tank? I have a one gallon tank and i figured it would be suitable for up to 10 tetras? Is that a mistake? I mean they are really small so I didnt think they needed a lot of room to roam around. If I'm wrong which, being a n00b, I probably am. Just let me know. Thanks.
Starr, it's not the size of the fish but the waste that's a problem. See my response in the thread you started. :)

I have seen on the internet a picture of some strawberry tetra's. I was wondering if you knew about them and if they are available at the LFS.
Most tetras do really well when kept in schools. But a one gallon tank is too small for a school of any sort of fish, unfortunately. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think a good rule of thumb is to calculate 1 gallon of tank for every 1 inch of fish. This rule is especially important to follow the smaller the tank, because as hisc1al pointed out, the waste can become a lethal problem. I would recommend getting a betta as they don't mind the solitude. Good Luck!
Plecos are semi aggresive, so its normal for them to cause some problems, but it should be alright. If you have a big enough tank, then a lot of tetra neons is a great idea. Im pretty sure they can stress easily? but they form amazing schools and are very nice to look at.
OMG, most Plecos grow to a foot or more. Temporary fish is wrong. Fish are not a room decoration. They are a life form. :x
You, almost litterally, can't fit 7 neons and a pleco in a half gallon. After the gravel you are down to like nothing. 5 neons in a full gallon is really pushing it. I had the crazy idea once to get a self sustaining ecosytem, so I put 5 neons in a one gallon jar with some plants. The fish actually did very well for like a year until I finally moved them into a 10 gallon tank.
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