Texas Cichlid STILL not breeding.

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 18, 2015
Its been a while since I've complained about this.

Why wont they breeeeeed!!! Im actually getting upset at them lol, is it normal to be mad at a fish?

1x 5.5" male
2x 3" female
1x 2" unknown sex

Fankmates are a Syno and 2 Firemouths, presumably both male. They tend to all leave the other species alone. Although the biggest Texas is the boss, so sometimes he chases the FMs.

Lots of big flat rocks, lots of driftwood, places to hide in the jumbles of rock and wood. They tend to stay in the open and don't retreat that often.

I used to see breeding colors on the females as they "flirted" with the male. Not anymore, to my knowledge. The male gets a darker back half after feeding, but its not as dark as breeding dress.

So yeah? Is it the male? That is my assumption... If it is i will keep him and get rid of all the other Texas except one female, and get rid of the Syno (just cause it isn't CA.)

Ive done warm WC, ive done cold. Ive fed lots of bloodworms and freeze-dried shrimp and krill. Fliating pellets, sinking pellets, shrimp pellets, carnivore pellets. Tropical flakes sometimes.

Water params are normal, its cycled obviously. PH is maybe 7.6? Last time i checked it was, should be the same now. Wasn't very long ago.

Any suggestions?

Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.
And if after a long time nothing works i will leave the big male Tex and add in more FMs. I love the flaring they show, although some seem to tire of it after a while. Mine don't have the great colors yet, but i cant wait.

It isn't really important to anything but i was figured i would say it.

Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.
If the females used to show breeding colors and now don't , that says to me that either the tank conditions are not conducive for spawning or the fish are not getting enough nutrition to get back into spawning condition.
Tank conditions could be size, water parameters ( nitrates could be the issue here), too many distractions, etc.
Nutrition issues goes to types of foods. You feed a variety but maybe there is not enough food per feeding or higher protein foods to better condition the fish for spawning. I use Tubifex worms ( freeze dried if don't want to mess with live from a trusted source) to condition most of my cichlid fish types. Use a good fiberous food after the worms to help the fish's digestion. I usually use frozen brine shrimp for this but if you can get something in a cube form, just soak it so it is good and wet before they eat it.
Lastly, the male isn't old enough to spawn yet. ( Size is not always indicative of age.)

My suggestion: If you really want them to spawn, just have the male and 2 females in the tank and no other fish. Eventually he will pick a mate and you will need to remove the other female. A breeding tank must have security in it so make sure the tank is out of the way of congestion and traffic in the house ( or room). Do weekly water changes and keep track of water parameters. 0 nitrates are better than even 5PPM when it comes to breeding.

Hope this helps. (y)
If the females used to show breeding colors and now don't , that says to me that either the tank conditions are not conducive for spawning or the fish are not getting enough nutrition to get back into spawning condition.
Tank conditions could be size, water parameters ( nitrates could be the issue here), too many distractions, etc.
Nutrition issues goes to types of foods. You feed a variety but maybe there is not enough food per feeding or higher protein foods to better condition the fish for spawning. I use Tubifex worms ( freeze dried if don't want to mess with live from a trusted source) to condition most of my cichlid fish types. Use a good fiberous food after the worms to help the fish's digestion. I usually use frozen brine shrimp for this but if you can get something in a cube form, just soak it so it is good and wet before they eat it.
Lastly, the male isn't old enough to spawn yet. ( Size is not always indicative of age.)

My suggestion: If you really want them to spawn, just have the male and 2 females in the tank and no other fish. Eventually he will pick a mate and you will need to remove the other female. A breeding tank must have security in it so make sure the tank is out of the way of congestion and traffic in the house ( or room). Do weekly water changes and keep track of water parameters. 0 nitrates are better than even 5PPM when it comes to breeding.

Hope this helps. (y)

Ok, thanks! Im not too far into breeding as a whole, so this is helpful.

I don't think it is water params, but i will add a bit more WC percentage.

I would guess that it was the diet thing. They went into breeding colors within the week i got them. I imagine that the LFS may have fed them a bit better diet just to have them looking healthy to sell.

I will get rid of the FM and the Syno i guess (although i think i will keep one of the FM, because I'm. Quite attached to the one with a fin disorder) and i will get rid if the smallest Texas.

I will also pick up some frozen Brin Shrimp and Tubifex as well as more Blood Worms the next time i go to the LFS. I will probably just trade the guy the fish for the foods i want...

In terms of security, would dither fish be helpful? Ive considered them before but never gotten them. I think once the pair (hopefully) breeds that any other fish will become targets instead of dithers, but I've heard that that isn't too bad an idea either. If you think that would help, do you have any specific recommendations? Otherwise i will just do Swordtails or BA Tetras or something that lives in the same area naturally...

Again, thanks. Im not the most experienced at breeding, so it helps :)

Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.
I'm not a big user of dither fish in the tank with breeders but if the fish won't spawn, Id set up another tank along side the breeder tank with similar fish and use an opaque divider so that the fish can only see each other in some of the tank but not all ( that's the secured area.) Jealousy is a big enticement for spawning. :brows:
For example, with my Angelfish, the breeder rack has all the tanks side by side and there is a picture of a planted scenery (That came with the tetra tanks) that runs on the outside of the tanks from the back of the tank to about 3/4 of the way to the front. ( You can see that here at post #125. http://www.aquariumadvice.com/forum...hatchery-and-everything-angels-324616-13.html) I set up their spawning sites towards the backs of the tanks. What happens is the fish see each other when I am feeding because they all come to the front of the tanks then can retreat back to the safety of their spawning area and get down to business. You may need to do something similar if your fish still don't spawn under the better conditions. (y)
So for "jealousy" (i would call rivalry) should i maybe introduce another male? I brought up using a Cyanoguttatus instead if the male Carpinte that i have currently, (and was consequently yelled at for making hybrids) but would it be better to introduce another same-size or smaller male Carpinte to create a bit of a need to spawn in the male i have?

Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.
So for "jealousy" (i would call rivalry) should i maybe introduce another male? I brought up using a Cyanoguttatus instead if the male Carpinte that i have currently, (and was consequently yelled at for making hybrids) but would it be better to introduce another same-size or smaller male Carpinte to create a bit of a need to spawn in the male i have?

Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.

The problem with putting the rival in the same tank is that it could wind up being only for a short amount of time as the male may try and succeed at killing the rival since it can't escape. By using another tank with the fish always there, the rivalry continues. If a second tank is not an option, you can try adding a big mirror to the open area so that the fish sees another fish ( himself) but only for a short amount of time and only in one area of the tank. I have done the mirror thing before and the big problem with that I've found is that the fish can get too involved with the mirror image and forget what they are there for. With another live fish, it can leave the area and so the male thinks he's "won". That doesn't always happen with the mirror.
First however, is to try without needing any other fish. Get them on a better diet and clean water and that may do the trick by itself. (y)
Ok... Will do

Sent from my bed, the only space available to me that isn't smothered in dirty laundry or aquariums.
Well, the deed is done, everything back to the LFS... Hopefully they will breed at some point.

I really hope they do, i just found out how much i get... 3 dollars for each Texas as soon as they hit about 1.5-2 inches. Even if i only get 10 to that size out of batch of fry i will be ok... That like a minimum of $30 per month from just them, and it goes straight to credit so i can put that back into my fish.

If money cant buy happiness, that why do I need a job? I mean, I should be getting these fish free, since I don't have to pay for happy...
Update: same as before... Started to seriously consider switching out the Tex for maybe something like Amphilophus if i can find a smaller variety... Or maybe just do an RD group and choose the best as a wet pet...

If money cant buy happiness, that why do I need a job? I mean, I should be getting these fish free, since I don't have to pay for happy...
Ive decided to give them until January before i move them... If they haven't at least attempted a spawn by then then i will replace them.

If money cant buy happiness, that why do I need a job? I mean, I should be getting these fish free, since I don't have to pay for happy...
Re-arranged the tank a few days ago. Im starting to see some territorial aggression from the male.

I know its a normal thing but in the entire time of had him, he has only gone attack mode on another fish 3 times, that I've observed at least. I think he is pretty peaceful by the bigger Cichlid standards.

So yeah... The larger female is showing a less intense version of breeding dress, not the full darkness of the underbelly and sides but a good amount on the throat and a bit near the tail...

So im trying to be hopeful... :)

If money cant buy happiness, that why do I need a job? I mean, I should be getting these fish free, since I don't have to pay for happy...
Male is also digging now... New trait, might be a good sign?

If money cant buy happiness, that why do I need a job? I mean, I should be getting these fish free, since I don't have to pay for happy...

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